As we approach the ending of the year, many of us are pondering what has transpired throughout this time as well as expecting what 2019 will bring. In my personal life, much of 2018 has been about traversing through a place of pain and adversity, a place of uncertainty and hopelessness, a place where everything was going astray, or so it seemed. If you found yourself in such a place this year, know this, you’re not alone, you never have been. Welcome to the valley.
A valley is a place located between hills and mountaintops, the most common valley is the U shaped valley. But curiously, geologists define it also as a “depression”, meaning something that was pressed down upon the earth. And that is exactly how we can define walking through it. The valley may not be a happy place to be, but we have promises from the word of God that while traversing through it, protection and safety are guaranteed even though it may not feel that way. Also note that walking through a valley is different than walking through the wilderness, the desert is usually a place of preparation, but the valley is usually a place of healing. Maybe you found yourself walking through the valley this year as many in the body of Christ have been feeling the pressure of such a place. Maybe circumstances or situations brought you there and maybe you are still walking through it, whatever the case, may this word bring comfort and hope in the valley you are in. Circumstances have an expiry date, the valley will end and you will help others walk through it.
Let’s recap the promises of God found in Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Psalm 23 echoes how I felt during this process, I can relate to these verses because that is exactly what it felt like. In some instances I felt the shadow of death surrounding me, a place of loneliness and despair, but God was up to something, He uses a place like the valley to get you to trust Him and to get you to follow him as in the invisible (Hebrews 11:27). And that has probably been the hardest part of this journey, there is no way of living a believer’s life without faith and our total dependency of God. This verse promises that He is there to comfort us, even in the darkest of valleys. The rod and staff where essential tools used by shepherds to lead their flock. The rod was used as a defence tool to protect the sheep from predators but also to examine the animal from potential sicknesses. The staff was used to keep the flock in place, making sure that they did not loose their way. Sometimes we need to get back on track as sheep can easily loose their way without their shepherd.
In the valley it is essential that you aim your focus upon the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus is using the valley to heal, restore, as we focus on the things that are important and eternal. This year I can say that I have received more ministry from my church family than all other years combined as things kept coming to the surface, there was an increase in fear and anxiety like never before, in the valley you feel the “pressure” as you race desperately trying to escape such a terrible place and reach the mountaintop, but there is no racing through this thing as you must walk beside the shepherd at the pace He chooses to take you at. In the first verses of Psalm 23 we read:
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
To cross the valley we must allow Him to lead us to places of refreshments, or “pit” stops if you will, for there is a lot to learn in this journey. But we cannot enter the place of rest without repentance, (Acts 3:19) and repentance is a big part of the valley as the Lord course corrects and guides you into your destiny at hand. In the valley we must work with the Holy Spirit to be rid of a lack of forgiveness, bitterness, secret sins, or anything else that may hinder you to move into His fullness. There is no room for baggage in the valley, you are to travel light keeping your sight focused on the master shepherd. Many are blessed with mountaintop experiences, but not all of us have them, waiting on the Lord means seeking His face and not necessarily lingering in a place of passivity. In the valley we need to get a move on lest depression and hopelessness come to seek you out. It is also essential that we sharpen our spiritual senses here as listening to the voice of the Lord becomes as important as walking with Him. Remember, His sheep hear His voice and they will not follow a stranger….. John 10:4-5. The enemy uses the valley as an opportunity to increase his attacks upon us by sending deceiving spirits. It is imperative that we rid ourselves of beliefs and inner vows that run contrary to His word, and nothing counters the lies of the enemy like His truth. If we do not have a strong foundation in the word of God, this is the place and time to become cemented in His promises for us and for our future generations. When pain abounds the temptations to seek out a place of safety will come, but the Lord must become our place of safety, the enemy will set many traps and we are to be aware and be sensitive to what is happening in the spirit realm. Worship must become a place of safety at this time, as we surrender to Him in praise and worship, the many loads we have been carrying will fall off and worshiping Him will become a most addicted lifestyle. No matter how much time we spend in the valley, we must trust His process as to be refined by fire, we will come out like gold in the end….
Walking through the valley has a special purpose, if you feel like you are going through this place I encourage you to take hold of His promises. This is a time to seek Him like never before, as the coming of the Lord hastens many will enter the valley to be tried and be refined, count yourself blessed as he has chosen you to be part of the great end time army that will usher in His presence. Pray this with me:
Heavenly Father,
I put myself in your hands, please forgive me for not trusting you during this process, I ask you to please help me walk along with you to whatever you may lead me. Help me to become acquainted with your voice and to humbly submit to you as you bring me further into a place of healing and deliverance. Bring conviction into my heart Holy Spirit, forgive me if I have grieved you during this time and help me to be sensitive to your presence. I thank you Lord that you never leave me nor forsake me and that you have great plans for me that have yet to come to pass, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Wonderful and experientially insightful! Thank you. Keep writing.
Hi Denise, Thanks for your comment!