I’ve been meditating a lot lately on the book of Daniel. The prophet Daniel was a culture breaker and a mind molder, a forerunner in prayer and intercession and an example for us to follow in today’s spiritual climate. From a young age, being taking into captivity by the Babylonians, Daniel purposed in his heart to serve the Lord no matter the outcome, the result of his faithfulness was a ministry that transcended two kingdoms and after his death a legacy that lasted hundreds of years until the birth of Christ. Now keep in mind that Daniel lived in a pagan culture, surrounded by pagan people, serving pagan kings. Grace and favour was bestowed upon Daniel by the Lord and today we can learn countless of lessons from his life and apply into our own. Whatever position we are in, in any given circumstance, we can apply the principles we will discuss and release an anointing for service in the circle of influence we are in.
“In the world, but not of the world” – Daniel 1
First and foremost, Daniel shows us that we can live in a pagan culture/home/workplace and not be affected by its environment. Second, Daniel also shows us that the Lord can easily bestow blessings and favour on His children who live in such environments as long as we keep the faith.
As the book of Daniel opens, we learn the Babylon has besieged Jerusalem and taken many prisoners. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered that youths without blemish, kingly and royal be assigned to his court to be instructed in the language of the Chaldeans. Amongst these young Jewish boys where Daniel and his three friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Immediately Daniel and his company decided that they were not going to become defiled by the pleasures and delicacies that Babylon had to offer. The four friends decided instead to keep a rigid diet of vegetables and water. After being tested for a time, their efforts paid off as Daniel and his friends were found much better than all others who partook of the king’s table.
Just because we live in the world, it does not mean we have to be of the world. Jesus famously prayed:
I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
John 17:15-16
Even at such a young age (scholars estimate Daniel was 15 to 20 at the time of his exile) Daniel knew and understood these principles, he knew how to navigate through the world without being touched by it. In this time and season, we need to learn how to go about this world with awareness and discernment. For many of us who perhaps hold a position in a place with unbelievers, or are surrounded by friends and family who do not know the Lord, conducting ourselves without blemish is of utter importance. Daniel did not rebuke or became rebellious to his master’s ways, rather he was given favor by God because he resisted the spirit of Babylon by submitting to God’s ways. In this hour, we need to ask the Lord to guide us with all understanding through the place in which we have been positioned. Daniel did not become a prisoner by his own choice, and nevertheless he chose to submit to God’s ways within a pagan culture. If we want promotion, we are to submit to God’s ways, pray and ask him for a special strategy in the position you are at, pray for those who are in authority and refrain from speaking evil which will only delay the process.
As a result of this, Daniel and his friends received special favor, were highly skilled in literature and wisdom and had understanding concerning dreams and visions.
“Can you Interpret the King’s dream?” – Daniel 2
In today’s society, people are asking for answers, answers that will solve complicated problems and save many lives. What happens when a problem arises that there is no answer for? Such was the case with Daniel. The king of Babylon had a troubling dream that no one seemed to have an interpretation for. In a fit of rage, king Nebuchadnezzar demanded his astrologers and wise men interpret his dream or all would perish. Enter Daniel, who requested a short time to pray and ask God for the dream’s interpretation. This is the benefit we have as children God, who is the revealer of secrets and will show his servants what is to come, (Amos 3:7). Daniel not only was able to tell what the king dreamt of but also released its proper interpretation and saved the life of many wise men and astrologers in the process. We are the answer to society’s issues, we have been crowned with wisdom and knowledge. The reality is that very few believers ask for heavenly downloads today, this is because we are so accustomed to ask for our own needs and we seldom pray or contend for the needs of others. The importance of Daniel’s interpretation was not so much what the future held, but it was the fact that his intervention saved the lives of many, much like Joseph, whose dream interpretation was able to save an entire nation. (see Genesis 45:5-8)
Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, prostrate before Daniel, and commanded that they should present an offering and incense to him. The king answered Daniel, and said, “Truly your God is the God of gods, the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, since you could reveal this secret.” Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts; and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon. Also Daniel petitioned the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the affairs of the province of Babylon; but Daniel sat in the gate of the king. Daniel 2:46-49
Daniel was once again promoted, bringing glory to God in the process and bringing an ascension to his companions as well. Not only that but the king himself recognized who was the one true God. Think about your workplace, your home, your community, these are places were God is longing to release His love and influence. He wants us to break free of all selfishness and act as His hands and be His mouthpiece. An act of kindness, a word of encouragement, a prayer for someone in need, this is a good way to start, but God wants to take us much further. God wants us to be the answer for that issue in your workplace, He wants you to be that key person who reconciles family members, He wants you to shower society with His love and grace, becoming that son or daughter of consolation. The Father is singling you out, you are the one I’ve chosen He says, come to me and ask for direction, downloads and answers that people are looking for. It doesn’t matter your position, your gender or your age, God is not a respecter of persons. Daniel was a kingdom breaker, meaning, he was able to break free from the norms of the society where he was at, resisting the spirit of the age and overcoming the temptation to live as the world would see fit.
The Father is challenging us to become kingdom breakers, men and women of presence and influence. The world looks at believers and sees weak religious people with no power to overcome. While it’s true that the warfare is intense as the years go by, the promise remains, He will never leave us or forsake us.
This concludes the first part of a series called Kingdom Breakers, may the Lord speak to you through the season you are in, calling upon His name to release His presence in every circumstance of life. Pray the following with me:
Father I come to you in the name of Jesus, I realize that you have released your presence upon me in order to release it over any circumstance and any situation no matter the place I am in. Please forgive me for praying selfish prayers and forgetting those who have a real need. I pray that today You give me the grace to resist the spirit of the age and its temptations. I pray today for heavenly downloads, that you may show me how to bring peace and hope in impossible situations, that You may show your true power through me, through my sayings and my actions, and I pray these may glorify You at all times. Thank you for your faithfulness Father, amen.